Devta Div is a combination of 5 Metals, 1 Set of Devta Div consists of 3 Devta Plates.
Devta Div is to be used with the Advice of Vastu Experts.
Approx 350-400 gm Weight.
1 Set = 3 Devta Plates.
Aditi, Apa, Apahvatsa, Aryam, Akash, Anil, Asur, Bhudhar, Bhallad, Bhujang, Bhrish, Bhigraj, Dwarik, Diti, Gandarwa, Grispatya, Indra, Jaya Jayant, Mrigha, Mitra, Mahendra, Mukhiya, Naga, Pusha, Prajanya, Pitra, Papyakshma, Pushpdant, Roga Rudra, Rajyakshma, Savita, Savitra, Sugreev, Shosh, Shiki, Soma, Surya, Vivaswan, Vithat, Varun , Yama